Dampak Nyata / Manfaat Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi
INIRUMAHPINTAR - Bagi adik-adik pelajar/mahasiswa yang mempunyai kiprah Bahasa Inggris membuat sebuah karangan berjudul Dampak Positif / Manfaat Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi atau The Benefis of Information Technology Development, artikel ini sangat direkomendasikan. Berikut ini ialah rujukan karangan yang sudah disusun menurut struktur kalimat dan hukum tata bahasa yang baik dan benar. melaluiataubersamaini impian supaya adik-adik pelajar/mahasiswa termotivasi untuk menyusun karangan serupa yang lebih baik, berbobot, dan berkarakter.
The Benefis of Information Technology Development
Development of information technology has been highly acclaimed providing great benefits for human life. It is also believed that information technology development can provide pleasure, happiness and prosperity for mankind. In this case, distance and time is no longer a barrier to do anything. In all areas of life, development of technology has had positive impacts on human life as in the field of information and technology, economics and industry, social and cultural, and educational fields.
In the field of information and communication, positive things can be quickly and accurately obtained through the internet. In addition, we can communicate with friends, distant family, or business associates in other countries simply by using mobile phones. Then, we can even get bank services such as taking money through inter-bank networks via ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) or internet in several public places or enjoying any transaction by using internet banking.
In the economic and industrial, technological development can give positive benefits of economic growth through the presence of sophisticated machines that can accelerate the productivity of factory production, modern investment and credit system via bank or private companies, and modern marketing process through internet marketing or online store. In fact, buyers do not have to go to the store anymore to buy their daily needs such as food, electronics, furniture, etc via "delivery system” which is applied by modern stores. They just order by calling the service center, selecting the preferred item and goods, and then the stores will deliver them to the consumer's home.
Furthermore, other positive benefits can be felt by people from social and cultural fields as well. Technological development gives a lot of opportunities for people to get along with foreigners. They interact by social media, like Instagram, BBM, Path, Line, and Facebook. In this case, they can share their culture, offer products, or discuss to others. Nowadays, some websites even invite people to take part by sharing orisinil videos and they can earn money in it. The most familiar site implemented by people is Youtube.
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sumber ilustrasi : pixabay.com |
In the field of information and communication, positive things can be quickly and accurately obtained through the internet. In addition, we can communicate with friends, distant family, or business associates in other countries simply by using mobile phones. Then, we can even get bank services such as taking money through inter-bank networks via ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) or internet in several public places or enjoying any transaction by using internet banking.
In the economic and industrial, technological development can give positive benefits of economic growth through the presence of sophisticated machines that can accelerate the productivity of factory production, modern investment and credit system via bank or private companies, and modern marketing process through internet marketing or online store. In fact, buyers do not have to go to the store anymore to buy their daily needs such as food, electronics, furniture, etc via "delivery system” which is applied by modern stores. They just order by calling the service center, selecting the preferred item and goods, and then the stores will deliver them to the consumer's home.
Furthermore, other positive benefits can be felt by people from social and cultural fields as well. Technological development gives a lot of opportunities for people to get along with foreigners. They interact by social media, like Instagram, BBM, Path, Line, and Facebook. In this case, they can share their culture, offer products, or discuss to others. Nowadays, some websites even invite people to take part by sharing orisinil videos and they can earn money in it. The most familiar site implemented by people is Youtube.
Then, the technology also has very important roles in education. Mass media, especially electronic media as a source of science and education is able to provide facilities for all people, especially for students to get references and source of complete and cheap reading. In addition, technological development can create most of new methods of learning, which allows students and teachers to get benefits in the learning process. Students are able to understand abstract material, because it can be described by the help of audio-visual method through LCD projector, sound system, and presentation software. Technological developments are even able to create learning without face to face meeting, namely video call or 3G technologies. In addition, the exam monitoring system like CCTV, that is also a part of Information Technology Development.
Thus, Information Technology Development has a lot of benefits for human beings, as long as it is used wisely and properly.
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